Parents see a positive trend! The child became more active, he speaks new phrases and words corresponding to a certain situation. He began to interact more with relatives, to make more requests. In the classroom, he became more assiduous and began to understand tasks better. He became more demanding and persistent. Earlier if his requests were denied, he did not insist. Now if he wants to achieve something, if he cannot express it by words, he pulls their hands. He became more attentive. If someone close to him is upset, he comes up and says “don’t be sad!” and hugs him/her. Before the treatment, he didn’t pay attention to the others.
On his own initiative, he comes up and shows his hands asking to cut his nails. During the treatment, the stool has improved (earlier he suffered from constipation). He is getting less selective in food. Sleep has improved, he asks for pajamas and says “to sleep”. Earlier, it took hours to make sleep.