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What Is The Protocol?

The first step to treating your ASD child is to contact a FLAASK physician and fill out our medical/behavioral form. A comprehensive blood test is then performed to determine the extent of the infection/inflammation.​



Complete Blood Count and Differential

Lymphocyte Subset Panel:

  • Absolute Lymphocytes,

  • %CD 3 (Mature T-Cells),

  • Absolute CD3+ Cells,

  • %CD4 (Helper Cells),

  • Absolute CD4+ Cells,

  • %CD8 (Suppressor T-Cells),

  • Absolute CD8+ Cells,

  • Helper/Suppressor Ratio

    Antibodies G and M to several infections:

  • Herpes Simplex Virus

  • Epstein-Barr Virus

  • Cytomegalovirus

  • Rubella virus

  • Chlamydia 

  • Helicobacter

  • Mycoplasma

  • Toxoplasma

  • Anti-streptolysin O

Inflammation Markers:

  • Interleukin-6

  • Tumor Necrosis Factor

  • C-reactive protein

  • Ferritin

  • Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate (in case it is not included to the complete blood count)

What if my Doctor Has Questions?


You may show your physician our studies and other studies supporting the role of viral infections in autism etiology.


If you or your doctor have more questions about our protocol, do not hesitate to contact us.

What Happens Next?


Treatment is intermittently adjusted based on behavioral and medical improvements until  " supplements only" treatment is achieved.


How Does It Work?


The Protocol focuses on reducing infection/inflammation using medication and regulating immune/mitochondrial activity using supplements.

Have more questions? You can find the scientific explanation for each of these medications using this button:

What You Need to Know


1) The FLAASK protocol is a long process  and can last anywhere between 6-24 months, depending on age and severity. Your child has atypical brain development, so it requires a long time for the brain to recover and develop the proper neural connections that were supposed to develop in the first place.


2) There is no child that is exactly the same, so do not expect that your child's development from treatment to be identical to that of our patients, stories of whom we have described. Your child's story will be completely different. You might notice significant changes a week after you start the treatment or you might notice the first changes only after 6 months of the treatment. You will need a lot of patience and the result will be worth the wait.




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